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Energy Resource Library - Categories | idlboise.comBeyond standard air temperature, surface temperatures of walls, ceilings, floors, and objects within a space can significantly affect the comfort level within a space. These surfaces can also be responsible for considera
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BSUG Video Archive | idlboise.comWelcome to the BSUG Video archive! Click on the lecture you would like to view and you will be redirected to the recording of the presentation. You can also find all of the IDL's lectures on our YouTube Channel.
FAQ | idlboise.comYes, you must have an appointment scheduled to pick up your tools. You will be contacted by a IDL employee to schedule an appointment after you have submitted your request. For more information see here: http://www.idlbo
idlboise.comThe University of Idaho’s Integrated Design Lab in Boise is dedicated to education, outreach, and technical support for high performance energy-efficient building design.
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